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Life Motherhood

The Truth Behind the Smile


There was a point in time, when this girl did not exist. Her smile, her joy, was absent. I’m telling this story now because I know a lot of people might see this smile (or read my blog posts about wellness and ease) and never question that it was any other way… It was 2015. We were due to move into our newly built house when, upon applying for our occupation certificate, it was uncovered that there was a critical…

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Life Motherhood Nursery

Finding Ease – My Motherhood Journey So Far

Mitch said to me in the early hours of the other morning, after I’d done a Nappy change and settled back into bed to feed Leo, “do you think you’ve turned into some kind of freak energiser bunny since you became a mum? I’m very impressed. You’re amazing”. I laughed, and as he rolled over and went back to sleep I sat there staring at Leo and having a moment of reflection, because the truth is… I’m feeling REALLY good.…

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Life Motherhood Nursery

38 weeks & my mantra for labour

I trust my body and I trust my baby. I trust in their wisdom and that when the timing is right all I need to do, is be calm and rest assured that my body and my baby will work together exactly as nature designed them to. This is the sentence I’ve got on repeat as I enter my 38th week of pregnancy, knowing that bub is now engaged and could come any time. It’s honestly feeling very surreal but…

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Home Life

My Process of Simplifying

I’ve been on a mission for a little while now. Operation simplification. The simple clutter-free life has charm and appeal on so many levels and I’m just at a point where STUFF for the sake of STUFF doesn’t appeal to me. It doesn’t appeal to me on a sustainability level, it doesn’t make any sense financially to waste and consume, and most importantly it takes up space in our heads as much as our homes. As Macklemore so aptly said…

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Life Lifestyle Motherhood

What is “Rounding” and why it’s a non-negotiable part of my Pregnancy Wellbeing Plan

What is Rounding

This past week I was in Byron Bay, for one of Tim Brown’s rounding retreats. If you follow along on instagram you might have seen that I was in Manly in March for a similar retreat and it was that experience that made me really realise the importance of this kind of self-care. I decided, upon receiving the exciting news that I was pregnant, that I was going to do everything I could for myself and my wellbeing during my…

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Life The Lounge

The Next Big Chapter… I’m Pregnant!

Well, this is it… I’m pregnant! It feels so good to finally let the cat out of the bag. I’m 16 weeks and it feels SO good. Some of you might recall last year I shared one of my most personal posts when I opened up about why I was afraid to have kids. In this post I shared how I had struggled for the better part of a decade with the idea of starting a family, and how a…

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Home Life

8 Tips to Effortlessly Pack up Your Life

A change is as good as a holiday, except when the change is a new home which needs to be renovated from top to bottom lol. Moving is exciting though, it’s the end of an era and a fresh start in a new chapter. I had planned to be super organised with this move, but between work & the reno it has inevitably caught up with me and we now due to be OUT! Moving house has been classed as…

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Home Life

How to Mentally & Physically Prepare for a Move

how to mentally & physically prepare for your move

We have some news. After a few months on the market, we’ve finally exchanged on the sale of our house! All going well we’ll be starting our next chapter early in the new year! It’s an exciting time, but also a crazy time of year to be going through the process of preparing for a move. Truth is moving home is a big life event, and a huge adjustment at any time of year, let alone the silly season. It…

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I Wrote A Love Letter To My Body

Love Letter To My Body - Journey in Ayurveda

I wrote a love letter to my body. It was an exercise that came up in a book about gut health and I literally laughed out loud and said to myself “LLAAAAME” when I first read it. I was about to move on to the next chapter without completing the task when I thought ‘stuff it’ I’ve committed to reading this book (a feat for me on its own) I might as well commit fully to what I’m trying to…

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3 Strategies to Define & Conquer your New Year Goals

As the year draws to a close it’s time to define some goals for the new year. I find this time of year exciting not just because of the faint sound of sleigh-bells in the distance but because I love that the new year offers an opportunity to redefine my short term goals & refocus. Here are my 3 simple strategies to define & conquer your new year goals: 1 // DEFINE WHAT YOU WANT This is a wildly broad…

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