
International Women’s Day #whoruntheworld

international womens day quote

When I decided to write a piece for International Women’s Day I wasn’t sure where to start. There’s a lot of politics around this date but I didn’t want to have a rant about gender equality and discrimination – not because I don’t believe there’s something to be said here, but because I wanted to make this post a CELEBRATION of achievement and growth

I personally just want to take a moment to reflect. In the past 12 months I’ve overcome a lot of personal stress, in fact this time last year was just the beginning of the shit-fight that I call “2015” and unfortunately the start of this year hasn’t brought much relief & life is still drama-filled, but I’m proud of what I’ve achieved despite the chaos, I’m proud that I built this blog, I’m proud that I found my voice, I’m proud that I overcame my insecurities (although that’s a work in progress), and I’m proud that I turned a time of difficulty into an opportunity to grow and evolve.

As part of this post I wanted to share a quote from a woman that has inspired me to shift my thinking and take control of my future, the woman that taught me to meditate…Kate Cliff.

Kate spoke these words today to a room full of high-school girls at a function for International Women’s Day. She has an exceptional story of strength & self development, going from a career as a Sydney Lawyer to now, Teacher of Vedic Meditation. The choice didn’t come about organically, it was a life changing accident that forced this transformation, something Kate says in hindsight was “the best thing that’s ever happened”…

“Life is going to send waves in our direction… It’s up to us what we do with that. We can run away. We can stay right in the impact zone, stand our ground and dig our heels in. Or we can use it as an opportunity to dive deep, to look within and adapt to the circumstances. To let go. And learn to ride those waves…

Setting goals and aiming for great things is important. But so is being open when something else comes along. I learnt that the hard way. Being hit by that car taught me to live. I was forced to work out how to have a better life. How to thrive. How to choose to thrive. I learnt thriving requires living authentically. Living vulnerably. Allowing myself to be seen. That’s scary. But it pushed me towards something that matters to me.”

*(insert arms-in-the-air-praise emoji)

I certainly wasn’t hit by a car but can definitely relate to this message, and it’s SUCH an important one because we only live once, and we owe it to ourselves to enjoy it, to let go of inhibitions and fears, ‘dive deep’, and allow ourselves the flexibility and freedom to ride the waves that come our way. Ladies, I believe we have more opportunity than ever here in 2016 to take ownership of our destiny.

I vowed to live better in 2016 and part of that goal is learning how to thrive, to be confident, take chances and trust my gut instincts (instincts that us Women are best known for). And yes, an element of that involves pursuing life as a blogger via CalmlyKaotic.

Some people blog for fun, some blog for business and some blog for sanity (I’m hoping for a bit of all three)… but what ever the purpose I just think it’s so great that Women everywhere are taking advantage of this medium to express their varied voices, and be heard.

On that note, I wanted to take this brief moment in time to express my gratitude and admiration for the hundreds of fashion, beauty, lifestyle, food, wellbeing, mummy and fitness bloggers that I see & follow every day… To the women that are out there being brave; sharing their life, their story, their style, their own personal swag… whether you realise it or not, you are paving a path for empowerment, and I thank you.

People often laugh at bloggers, either because they don’t really know what ‘blogging’ is (and it’s kind of a funny word), or because they think it’s a vein activity of those that desperately just want to be ‘instagram famous’. Of course, it’s not about that at all… although it is a funny word.

Many don’t realise that the words ‘blogger’ and ‘social influencer’ go hand in hand, and what that really means. The way things are bought, sold, advertised, promoted, shared, consumed and appreciated has changed in such a fundamental way over the past 10 years, and in large part due to social media & the social influencer. Women who aren’t necessarily Victoria Secret models are becoming the faces of fashion & beauty and shaping the way we shop and view the world. Real women, of real sizes, with real opinions, and real ambitions are creating waves of influence and it’s f*cking fantastic.

quote international women's day 2So, this International Women’s Day it turns out I had quite a bit to say, and I want to finish with a huge HELL YASSS to women out there growing, showing strength, making changes, breaking stereotypes, trusting their voice, and changing up the rules in this crazy game of life.

As I head toward the big 3-0 next month I realise there are no rules, only a life to be ruled.
And honey, fyi… your dreams are supported in my house. Go get it girls.


N xx



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  • Reply
    March 8, 2016 at 5:28 PM

    Great post…

    You are very right…

    Enjoy the big 30 as I will enjoy the big 50!

    • Reply
      Nicky Lark
      March 14, 2016 at 2:30 PM

      Thanks so much Leanne! And yes, enjoy bringing in 50! Here’s to new chapters & new adventures x

  • Reply
    March 8, 2016 at 8:12 PM

    Loved this story, thank you.

    • Reply
      Nicky Lark
      March 14, 2016 at 2:29 PM

      Thanks for reading Eevi! x

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