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My Experience of Panchakarma & How It Supercharged My Year

India Himalayas Panchakarma

This time last year I was on my way home from two magic weeks in India. Most of my friends and family were aware that hubs and I had learnt the technique of Vedic meditation and so it was easier at the time to just say we were going on a “meditation retreat”, than it was to explain what we were really doing. Truth is we went to India for Panchakarma.  I realize not many people would know what that…

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Instagram, we need to talk…

Instagram Changes

Instagram, you’ve changed. I thought we were friends but you ran off with Facebook and I wasn’t sure I could ever forgive you. That was until I realised, I’m at fault too. I got lazy, I got complacent, and I took you for granted…  Truth is I came to instagram for inspo, I had Facebook to keep in touch share memes with family & friends and I began following influencer accounts on Instagram to offer me creative inspo and an opportunity to…

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This Is The Book That Changed It All

Jacinta Tynan Mother Zen Book

Thank you Jacinta Tynan. Thank you for writing something that goes against the grain of every bit of evidence I’ve been presented with to date about parenthood. Thank you, for writing Mother Zen. A few weeks back I wrote a blog post about my fear around having children. It’s something I’ve kept quite close to my chest, but something that I’ve found huge comfort in discussing with my Meditation teacher & good friend Kate Cliff over the past 12 months.…

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ABC’s The Letdown – Fuel to the Fire

Earlier yesterday I was flicking through my Instagram feed as I do, when that enticing little rainbow circle informed me that Celeste Barber had new insta stories – I watch her every day for a laugh & thoroughly enjoy her piss taking. It was then that I saw her promoting her new show due to air at 9.30pm last night on the ABC – it’s called The Letdown, and it’s about new mums & the reality of parenthood. My heart…

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Home Life

10 Essential Tips & Hacks for Moving House

Tips for Moving House

We’ve moved around a bit since we started dating, we bought & moved in together simultaneously, renovated, then moved back in with my parents to save while we rented our place out for 12 months, then moved back to our house, had a second crack at renovating, sold the old house, built our new house, moved in, moved out (long story), then moved back in. It’s been an exhausting few years. With that chapter finally behind us we’ve been enjoying…

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This is why I’m scared to have kids

This is a post I’ve been reluctant to share, not because it’s any surprise to my hubby, but because it’s just a difficult subject. I thought when I was young that there’s this magical point in every woman’s life where a switch is flicked and all of the maternal feels start kicking in hard core. It’s that word, clucky, right?! Like, all of a sudden, us Women get clucky. Or at least that’s what I was lead to believe. I…

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Home Life

Interior Inspo – Welcome to my Living Room

how to mentally & physically prepare for your move

Welcome to my living room. It’s been a long time coming… 2 years in fact. It was suppose to take 6 months. Our new home; built, then destroyed, then re-built… Yep. The biggest disaster of our lives to date – a mammoth development f*ck up that cost us 2 years of our lives (both financially and otherwise). It was a stress filled, money guzzling vortex of angst & disappointment but that’s another story. Thankfully, we finally get to put that whole life interlude…

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Goodbye to the girl I was 12 months ago


365 days ago I was a different person. I was on the cusp of big change and feeling pretty damn rattled by a horrific 12 months. It’s crazy to think about how much things have changed in one year and what’s gone down, but most of all – how excited I am for 2017. This morning I sat down and re-read the post I wrote this time last year (aptly titled Sayofuckingnara 2015) and I’m feeling pretty good, actually. For…

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When life hits you with a car…

Kate Cliff Meditation & Calmly Kaotic

I’m torn between a strong inherent belief that everything happens for a reason and the flip-side that in fact sometimes, life just serves up a big old plate of stinkin’ shit. In fact I’ve come to believe that in many ways the two work in parallel and every so often, collide. I’ve mentioned before that I look at the stars with wonder; a belief in various notions of existence and some kind of serendipity or destiny – if I’m losing you at this point, read on – this post…

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Fashion Life

30: What I Wish For

30 gift guide calmly kaotic

I actually write this post with a bit of emotion, it’s my 20’s recap, and it’s been a fuc*ing big decade. My 20’s saw me meet my soul mate, fall in love & get married, become an aunty multiple times, and farewell loved ones too. I bought property, commenced developments, graduated uni, held various jobs, started my own business and most recently, this blog. Friendships have formed, changed, evolved and shifted. I’ve had lots of fun, laughed a lot, shed plenty of tears,…

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