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Kitchen Lifestyle

New kitchen Love

caesarstone x calmlykaotic

It’s finally complete and I could not be happier with our beautiful kitchen! We started our latest reno in about March ’18 and ended up going for about 3 months without a kitchen. It’s very much like us to go bull at a gate and didn’t anticipate things taking a little longer than expected. But we got there in the end and it was well worth the wait. If you’ve been following our reno over at House of Lark you…

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Kitchen Lifestyle Motherhood

Here’s why I’m not eating meat in my Pregnancy

why im not eating meat in pregnancy

I get un-approving looks when I say I’m not eating meat during my pregnancy. I acknowledge that there’s things in meat that you can’t readily get elsewhere, like B12 which is why I take a supplement for that. But I am getting my Iron, protein, calcium etc from alternative high grade sources such as organic leafy greens, beans and nuts etc. It’s so important to support the body during pregnancy, by eating foods that are high quality, organic, non-complex (in…

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