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  • Life

    ABC’s The Letdown – Fuel to the Fire

    Earlier yesterday I was flicking through my Instagram feed as I do, when that enticing little rainbow circle informed me that Celeste Barber had new insta stories – I watch her…

  • Hale Bob Velvet Collab

    Velvet Obsessions With Hale Bob

    After a month abroad it’s taken me a couple of weeks to get use to the cooler weather again here in Sydney. It hasn’t been cold but I’ve definitely had to…

  • Tips for Moving House
    Home Life

    10 Essential Tips & Hacks for Moving House

    We’ve moved around a bit since we started dating, we bought & moved in together simultaneously, renovated, then moved back in with my parents to save while we rented our place…

  • Life

    This is why I’m scared to have kids

    This is a post I’ve been reluctant to share, not because it’s any surprise to my hubby, but because it’s just a difficult subject. I thought when I was young that…

  • CalmlyKaotic x Vibe Hotels

    A Sydney Staycay with Vibe Hotels

    There are lots of positives to being a freelancer and working from home, but the one major downside is that my home is also my workplace and I spend more hours…